Saturday, March 19, 2011

Shock wave engine approaches the motor car

Despite several attempts to technology in a different direction, Gottlieb Daimler invented the century-plus old is still an internal combustion engine still reigns supreme - even if it was not the lack of trying.

In mid 1990, for example, the company said Ben Rosen capitalist technology has attracted the attention of an ambitious plan to market a reciprocating engine that had a small turbine generator and a flywheel fiber carbon. He was even able to demonstrate the technology for a test drive. But the idea failed and after four years and $ 24 million down the drain, Rosen and his brother (who co-founded Rosen Motors) decided to terminate the project after failing to interest all major automakers.
But with $ 4 per gallon gasoline signs of worse to not much more, the urge to invent our way out of the energy crisis is still stronger than ever. And now a team of researchers reported the progress of an idea with a prototype generator hybrid car engine that does not use pistons, crankshafts and valves.

If it works as planned, they would be called Wave motor drive using shock waves to compress the fuel and more efficient energy transfer. The research team at Michigan State University says his prototype can potentially reduce auto emissions by over 90 percent. The invention, which has a train or a radiator valve connection that uses a generator to act as a driver of a vehicle, according to Norbert Mueller, a professor of mechanical engineering at MSU.

The idea here is that compression is more effective if there are no moving parts involved in the process. The MSU team asked their prototype would be more effectively treat the motor fuel. Moreover, they believe that it would attract nearly 1,000 pounds by the weight of a car that is currently reflected in the manner of a conventional engine, transmission, cooling system, emissions, and liquids. Vehicles with the system would be able to run on fuels many - incl. Compressed natural gas, hydrogen gas or renewable fuels (You can listen Mueller explain this in detail in the above video filmed a few years ago when the college has received grants for the implementation of the project).

The prototype was unveiled last week for advanced research projects of Atomic Energy, which supports the Michigan State University search engine laboratory, with 2.5 million dollars in aid. You may also be available on the 2008 disc technology wave.

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